Sitemap - 2011 - Weighty Matters

Stephen Colbert Night in Canada!

My Loot Bag Manifesto

Coca Cola Lies to Doctors?

Dr. Sharma and I Have Single Bypasses!

The Canadian Government Thinks Dietitians are Useless!

2011 Bye Bye! (and good riddance?)

Resolution Series Day 12: YOU!

Resolution Series Day 11: Small Steps!

Resolution Series Day 10: Look at Pricetags!

Resolution Series Day 9: Burn your Pigeonholes!

Saturday Stories - Myths, carbs and children

The Innocent Joy of Being Evil

Resolution Series Day 8: Beeps and Boops!

Resolution Series Day 7: Construct, don't Destruct!

Resolution Series Day 6: Meet Your New Best Friend!

Resolution Series Day 5: A New After-school Activity!

Saturday Stories - Dying, Personal Responsibility and 23.5 hours

Do Your Kids Smile for their School Portraits?

Resolution Series Day 4: Reclaim Your Table!

What I Now Have in Common with Dr. Oz

Resolution Series Day 3: Lose a Box!

Resolution Series Day 2: Pre-Eat

Resolution Series Day 1: Like Em!

Saturday Stories - Coffins, wars and brochures.

The Beauty of a Single Second

American Dietetic Association Under Fire from RDs for Corporate Ties

Has Your Doctor Ever Taken a Lifestyle History?

Are you Feeding your Children Properly?

Saturday Stories - WWII, Astrophysics and Smoking Marathoners

Grossest. Card Trick. Ever.

What is your Toothbrush Level of Exercise?

Does your Bench need a Bedside?

Life's not a straight line (and some runs stink).

Saturday Stories - Crowns, milk and vegetables?

Who Knew Liam Neeson was so Damn Funny?

You Can Always Do Your Best!

Enjoy every sandwich!

Why Cholesterol Screening for Kids is the Wrong Idea

Is your spouse sabotaging your weight management efforts? Please RT!

Saturday Stories - Grand Canyon, Coca Cola and Beaver Anal Glands

This video almost makes me want to buy a dog.

Book Review: Hold that Hidden Salt!

The LA and New York Times Forget Something Important

Are you Trying to Qualify for the Boston Marathon of Weight Loss?

Red Mountain Resort - a Healthful Getaway!

Saturday Stories - X-rays, fitness and evil Weetabix!

Eating Marshmallows = Crazy Japanese Game Show

The Heart and Stroke Foundation Thinks Ordering in Pizza is Healthy?

The 2012 Cadbury Chocolate Olympics have Arrived!

Breakfast for Learning needs to Learn the word NO!

Badvertising: Boost - Is it Really "Complete Nutrition"?

Saturday Stories - Illusions, weight cycling and Canada's Food Guide

Classic Children's Book Goodnight Moon Reprinted as Good Night iPad

Weight bias rears its ugly head in Newfoundland

Does this vending machine really contain healthy choices?

Eat Wise: Dietitians of Canada's new Online Venture. Helpful, Harmful, or Ho-Hum?

Book Review: Rocco Dispirito's Now Eat This! 100 Quick Calorie Cuts

Saturday Stories - Sitting, Paleo and PepsiCo edition

V-neck t-shirts - Yay or nay?

American Diabetes Association selling ice-cream and pizza for the cure?!

Canadian children hospitals fundraising by selling $4 medium pizzas?!

The food industry preys on your children after school too

A real world mom on the futility of the parental, "No".

Et Voila! Diet Doctor settles suit. "Secrets" safe.

Saturday Stories - Aspartame, leisure time activity and

Best outdoor gym ever?

No "secrets" for Canadian diet doctor

The food industry and health. Not even remotely on the same page.

Can a doctor fairly withhold a "secret" weight loss formula?

Guiding Stars vs. Health Check Round One - Cheerios

Food Industry: Friend or Foe. Videos of the complete (parsed) debate!

How does the guy know who did it?

Domino's thinks 2oz of pizza is a serving!?

Coca Cola the Corporation vs. Coca Cola the Individuals

Coca Cola's latest predatory cartoon proves why voluntary advertising commitments are useless!

Food Industry: Friend or Foe. The #obesity2011 great debate's online!

Saturday Stories - Crowdsourced health link roundup!

Too funny not to share (NSFW language)

Crowdsourcing health!

Seriously, WTF is wrong with British Columbia public health authorities?!

Good lord! British Columbia government actively encouraging eating out!

Crazy RD tweets from 2011 American Dietetic Association #FNCE conference?

Saturday Stories - Prochaska, HAES and Food Guides

Breakfast for Learning denies promoting Nutella

Funny or Die channels the Michele Bachmann crazy!

Canada's national Breakfast for Learning program promotes Nutella as nutritious?!

Ontario farmers now growing hot dogs and creamsickles?

Let's Move and Michelle Obama. With friends like these....

Front of package labeling fight! Guiding Stars vs. Health Check

Saturday Stories - Sparks, Oz and plates

Wayne Gretzky schools the internet on trick shots

Multi-million dollar opportunity looms for enterprising food service providers!

Horrifying! USDA "tackling obesity" by exploiting your 6yr olds to market chocolate milk!

MyPlate - With Sponsors Like These, Who Needs Enemies?

Does what hand you eat with affect your weight?

Saturday Stories - Sports medicine, orthorexia and Weight Watchers

Hogwarts - which house are you?

Study suggests eating Chef Boyardee helps weight loss?

Why I never eat breakfast cereal.

Will there ever be a grand unified theory of obesity?

Saturday Stories - home births, "bans", and liberation therapy

40 something ex-video gamers must watch this video!

Are you setting your kids up for lifetimes of dietary struggle or success?

Tim Hortons Junkie? Prepare to gain weight.

Love is a giant R2D2 birthday meat cake (a post on birthdays)!

Saturday Stories - Portfolios, stages, wheels and Corps.

I'm Jewish. Is this how pork sausage is usually made?

"Fat Children Eat Less Than Their Thinner Peers"!?

Walden Farms "Calorie Free" Food Review

A Cookie the Size of My Face!

Is your treadmill lying to you about the calories you burned?

Saturday Stories - Homeopathy and Gavura's Law

Some kids are more awesome than others.

Why are there less "fit and fat" folks than there used to be?

Do you suffer from portion paralysis?

SunTV and the gluttonous slob obesity narrative.

A new staging system reveals new truths about the risks of obesity.

Come back at noon (EST)

Kellogg's and WebMD report sugar's good for you!

Saturday Stories - Dogma, bias and an angry Gary Taubes

The E-Trade baby had a rough week!

Did you hear the one about kids who eat candy being thinner?

10 useful Twitter sized weight management truisms

Hidden vegetables for one and all!

Japanese McDonald's serving up McChildren

Saturday Stories - Breakfast, political fat bashing and 2000 calories

"I am physically and mentally prepared for anything they can throw at my balls"

Journalism, salt and ethics.

Horrifying new product alert - body fat scales for children

What's Today's Dietitian's definition of a, "healthy, better for you" food?

Apparently, as consumers we're getting dumber.

Saturday Stories - Shoves, Rush and front page news!

I bet you don't love dogs this much!

Medicine isn't about blame, it's about treatment

Nova Scotian on 10 year wait for bariatric surgery pens her own obituary

Health Canada's latest health hypocrisy

Do high salt diets impair reading comprehension?

Saturday Stories

Hostess vitamin fortified, body-building snack cakes

Campbell's only re-salting American soups

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society labels Krispy Kreme fundraisers, "heroes"

Are large amounts of exercise essential for weight loss maintenance?

Campbell's soup resalting belies true corporate responsiblity - profit.

Saturday Stories

Not every kid's excited about learning to ride.

Can childhood obesity warrant child protective services?

Krispy Kreme for the Cure!

Does U2 think your weight is shameful?

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition's recent peer review failure.

Saturday Stories

Can I be your friend?

Restaurant calories - a cautionary tale

Burger King has a "Reading Club" for 6 year olds?

Heart and Stroke Foundation pushing video gaming for fitness now?

Ottawa-Carleton School Board still in bed with McDonald's

At what age do people begin to get "cute" again?

Amazing, shocking, unbelievable news about type 2 diabetes and diet!

Captain America runs on Dunkin'?

From Olympic Champion, to RD, to McDonald's Champion

The deleterious impact of snacking on journalistic integrity

Saturday Stories

"Whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come"

CIHI's take on their report.

Why CIHI? Why?

Grade 4 students with more nutritional sense than Health Canada

Are strollers contributing to childhood obesity?

Obesity is contagious, or is it? A sober second look at obesity and social networks.

Saturday Stories

Crazy polysyllabic ingredients never sounded so good!

RDs! Want to work with us? FT job opening.

Heart and Stroke Foundation condemns virtually all Health Check items!

Which Canadian health authority wants you to eat poutine, Velveeta and nachos?

The ADA bravely tackles acute American male beer drinking deficiency syndrome!

New Chocolate Cheerios make Froot Loops look downright healthy!

Saturday Stories

Even Darth Vader loves Disneyland

Twitter's dangerous.

Canadian Diabetes Association needs to learn to count calories

MyPlate - America's new, irrelevant "food icon"

Ontario cracks down on medical weight loss programs

Big, low hanging, steel plated - this guy's got 'em.

Shouldn't Health Check at least check calories?

Fake, or is the JDRF the world's least scrupulous health charity?

The City of Toronto pushes Coca-Cola on children.

McD's "snack size" McFlurry is a Snickers Bar dissolved in a can of Coca Cola!

Are we obese 'cause we sit all day long?

Saturday Stories

Fabulous new 4 person bicycle!

OB/GYNs vs obesity. Blatant discrimination or professional honesty?

3 meal time words that can cripple weight loss

Nova Scotia hospitals ban Tim Hortons! (Sorta)

Britain moves to pay MDs to shame their "fat" patients

Saturday Stories (rapture edition....nice knowing you)

Best marriage proposal ever!

Calories burned worm digging?

A $2 million, Texas sized, nutritional facepalm!

When will the Canadian Diabetes Association embrace low-carb?

The "how" of obesity - laziness vs. complexity?

Saturday Stories

World's most powerful bladder?

Probiotics for weight management?

Is sodium a dietary red herring for the effects of processed foods?

Forks, feet, and the rise and fall of obesity.

When we were kittens, we used to play outside.

What's worse than deep frying?

Canadian prisoners allocated more money per meal than hospital patients?

Wanna see what diabetic hospital patients get fed in Ontario?

Musings on the muffins at the Canadian Obesity Network conference.

Reality Coalition Canada #CON11

Saturday Stories

Enough with the "fat taxes"! #CON11

Twittering, fat bashing, OB/GYN defends her sense of "humor"

Do Disney World foods reflect what North American palates want?

Food addiction. Chicken or egg?

If the last 10lbs are the "hardest", you're doing something wrong.

How fast do YOU run?

Why isn't obesity an election issue?

Please step away from the Doggy-Bag.

Max & Ruby teaches preschoolers obesity's funny!

The forgotten value of not gaining

Google Exodus (from Egypt)

Is food life's only true constant?

Why exercise may be crucial to weight management

Should Canada pull out of the Olympics?

The weekend realities of weight management.

When Harry Met Sally 2!

Toronto City Council sure loves their sugary soda!

Is McDonald's new Nickelodeon kids campaign kosher?

Starbuck's new "Petites": Not worth their calories!

Book Review: Atul Gawande's The Checklist Manifesto

The strangest video I've ever posted?

Thank you!

Indirect proof that menu board calories help

Lots of your tax dollars, not even remotely hard at work.

Is "Fourth Meal" contributing to rising obesity rates?

A deafening nutritional silence.

Weighty Matters now on Facebook

Saturday Stories (super extended edition)

Thank God it's Friday

Ottawa Hospital finally follows through with cafeteria reform!

UK says eat less beef & Canada spends tax $s encouraging eat more.

The "food fascists" have won at Toronto's Sick Children's hospital?

Heart and Stroke dietitian labels Health Check useless.

Saturday Stories

Remember that intensely stupid high-fructose corn syrup ad?

Village on a Diet epilogue: Weight loss=Exercise, Obesity=Laziness

Badvertising: GE's new weight loss laundry machine?!

Do after school sports help fuel childhood (and adult) obesity?

Badvertising: Corazonas' cholesterol lowering stupidity

Saturday Stories

Incomprehensible shouting - America's new official language

Your rights and Ontario's bariatric surgical wait times

Canada's new childhood obesity strategy wastes valuable time

Help COACH Canada in healthy, ethical, evidence-based weight management!

Canadian Vitaminwater class action lawsuit launched!

It's bleeping Sesame Street!

Attendance based gym pricing. Go more = pay less!

Menu board calories matter to those who care.

Lying about bariatric surgery isn't the way to fix the system.

$29.99 Cheese Whiz?

Saturday Stories

Toddlers make sloppy drunks

Forget sidewalks, your built environment needs expensive gyms!

Diet Book Review: The Flex Diet (I like it)

Andy Bellatti's wonderful Xtranormal healthy eating routine.

Playing video games makes you eat more?

I'm up for a new blogging award

Think the gym's gonna make you slim? Think again.

Exercise won't prevent obesity in 8 year olds.

Should the Auditor General be investigating Health Canada?

The Onion talks, "decoy Muslims".

Badvertising: Jimmy D's French Toast Griddlers sure sound like villains to me.

Badvertising: The Special K Challenge shows Kellogg's true obesity colours.

Badvertising: V8 V-Fusion tries to fuse your brain cells.

Badvertising: Great job on your homework, here's a pie?

A brilliant VW commercial

Why I still think breakfast's part of weight management.

Village on a Diet Episode 5 Recap: My last recap?

2011 Weighty Matters Annual Report on the Heart and Stroke Foundation

Ending public-private partnerships between Big Food and Health

Saturday Stories

Cats on a treadmill

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with the Heart and Stroke Foundation?

McMaster University sells out to McDonald's

Village on a Diet episode 4 recap: Unrealistic expectations

A cold Ottawa morning!

The UK Advertising Standards Agency finds juice to be non-nutritious.

Saturday Stories

How much fish do you eat while exercising?

What's in your kid's lunch bag?

Starbucks' "Trenta" - the caloric equivalent of more than half a gallon of Coke!

Village on a Diet episode 3 recap: Nobody yelled!

Anyone in Ottawa wanna punch me? Train with me free for a month.

Saturday Stories

My blackberry's not working!

Coca Cola's spins arms length relationships into "corporate social responsibility"

ParticipACTION's Kelly Murumets explains their partnership with Coca Cola

Village on a Diet Episode 2 recap: ELMM St. revisited

Book review: Gary Taubes' Why We Get Fat

If animals could talk.

Dr. Alexander Hughes. Spinal surgeon. Nutritional genius?

CBC's Village on a Diet episode 1 recap: Never mind about the diet part.

France and their crazy new approach to combat obesity.

If you're doing this your weight loss resolution is doomed to fail.