Most of the people I know become very angry if I even try to bring up the current findings on long Covid, let alone encourage them to take measures to mitigate their risks. And unless the average person is actively engaged in seeking out the information, there is little to no mention of it on MSM or from our government or health officials. If masking and mitigating measures are not even being practiced in healthcare settings, this signals to ordinary people that they are either being extremists or uninformed if they mask. I continue to mask and follow developing data but it’s a lonely road.

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All so true. Incredibly frustrating timeline where we have the knowledge, but lack the will to implement it. I fear our children and future generations will not forgive us for our selfish short sighted decisions. As a physician who masks and follows the science it is a lonely road. Thank you for making it a little less so.

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The yellow hyperlinks make it very difficult to read this.

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