Sitemap - 2010 - Weighty Matters

"All vegetable crisco" - your tub of health!

Weight loss is personal

Set point theory is stupid!

Big Milk's dietitians recommend French fries, hot dogs and milk shakes!

Calorie burning soda - $14,600/lb of weight loss.

The "cornification" of our diets.

"I said Poo!" (Don't give your kid books for Christmas)

Exercise 6hrs/wk for 20 years. Still gain weight. :(

Coca Cola's latest deceit revisited.

More health claim woes for yogurt

Fortified junk food to displace healthier fare?

So you want to be a journalist?

Holiday Strategy: Top 10 travel tips to reduce the gain.

Holiday Strategy: Indulge!

Holiday Strategy: Silencing the Food Pusher!

Holiday Strategy: Don't save your calories for dinner!

Saturday Stories

"You got a dog? You got a gym!"

Nonshocker! Preschool kids think thinner is better.

Do nutrition facts panels make weight management more difficult?

Ridiculous serving sizes at Costco

Badvertising: Get Real, Get Jelly Belly

Advice for young girls from Snow White

Are Ontario's bariatric surgical wait times legal?

Ontario's bariatric surgical wait times set to skyrocket.

Ontario's bariatric surgery strategy reflects monetary realities.

Hypnotize your stomach into believing you've had bariatric surgery?

So ya wanna be a rock star?

"Making a difference one pizza at a time"

"Health Check makes it easier for Ontarians to make healthy choices at Pizzaville"

Ottawa Post : So you want to be on TV?

Frankenfood: Tillman's Toasty Pork Pop-Tarts!

Saturday Stories

Spain is full of crazy people

Prison powered electricity?

Sarah Palin brings on the nutritional stupid.

Tim Horton's new death by chocolate

San Francisco's Mayor Newsom - devious or just plain dumb?


Saturday Stories

The honest Four Loko commercial

Apparently nobody's good at keeping food records.

Amazing new diet! Man eats fewer calories than he burns and loses weight!

The future babble of obesity prognostication

On Happy Meals and Health Checks

Save the endangered Montana Merkle!

Are eggs really worse than Double Downs?

Badvertising: Pop Tarts vs. Toaster Strudel - Fight!

Chocolate Milk - 40 proof adult edition.

Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends soda taxes and eating out

Saturday Stories

How to make a manly macho salad.

You know your front of package labeling program's a joke when...

Marie Claire lays bare vile weight bias.

Badvertising: Peek Freens Lifestyle Selections - nutritionism in action.

Health Canada rolls out the most useless nutrition campaign in history.

Never say no to Panda

More hoops for Ontarians seeking bariatric surgery.

Badvertising: Cheetos cures breast cancer.

When did fruit become a "trick"?

Heart and Stroke Foundation teaches elementary school kids that pizza's healthy.

The amazing exercise benefits of public drunkeness

Overeaters Anonymous and the US Military

What do the world's foremost obesity experts eat?

Badvertising: Odwalla and the case of the missing mango

Breaking news: Meridia voluntarily pulled from Canadian market

Apologies to my American Republican readers

Championing Public Health Nutrition 2010

Introducing Coca Cola Pro with Calcium and Vitamin D!

Guest post: A personal best.

Fatism rears its ugly head in Toronto mayoral race.

Need a divorce lawyer?

Best Weight: A practical guide to office-based obesity management

A personal request for help.

Badvertising: vitaminwater healthifies poutine!

Obesity and overeating are hilarious? (Mike and Molly Review)

Ottawa readers only please!

You know your school food policy sucks when...

Some is good. More is better. Everything counts.

POM Wonderful said whatnow?

Heart and Stroke still marketing for Boston Pizza

I have no idea why this made me laugh

The, "but parents can just say no" argument.

Reading more effective than running for weight loss?

Counterpoint. A guest post defending Ottawa's School Bus Safety Awareness Day

More on the partnership between the Ottawa School Board & McDonald's

Signs the world has too many signs.

Why taxpayers should care about bariatric surgery.

Why are there no nuts in Honey Nut Cheerios?

McDonald's and the Ottawa District School Board teach kids that voluntary food industry regulation is useless.

Saturday Stories (expanded no post on labour day edition)

Rear window (cat version)

Is the childhood obesity epidemic just a myth?

Who's going to launch Ontario's first lawsuit over access to bariatric surgery?

If Your Kids Hated Apples, Would you Feed Them Apple Pie?

Nutrition policy in Britain hits bottom and digs.

Never argue with an ibex!

Health Check's rotten tomato

Health Check finally figures out chocolate milk and french fries aren't healthy!

KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and A&W treat you to free "exercise".

Walking and cycling to work prevents obesity?

Ode to Joy - Muppet style

Every nutrition professional must read this!

Alberta's Ministry of Health recommends post meal cheese to prevent cavities?!

Dietitians - a question for you.

Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids, and Unhealthy Peer Review.

Schadenfreude pranks

On Confirmation Biases, Twitter and Blogs

MS's controversial "liberation procedure" provides a lesson in obesity bias.

Another reason to avoid Wonder Bread.

Pregnant? Eating for 2? More like eating for 1.2.

Cross species bullying (size does matter)

Canada's trans-fat failure.

Why the food industry's thrilled with Canada's Sodium Working Group

The good, the bad and the ugly of Canada's recent sodium working group.

Consumers ignore the fine print when considering the health risks of fortified foods.

Saturday Stories

Babies like watermelons!

Breaking News: Canada's Sodium Working Group's Recommendations

England's health officials continue to prove they're among the dumbest in the world.

Can extremely low fat diets lead to obscene conflicts of interest? (Dean Ornish edition)

"Exercise is Medicine" (and a great smokescreen for Big Food)

Expanding the Definition of Conflict of Interest - Big Food Edition

Saturday Stories

Stormtroopers invade the NYC subway.

Health Halos and Kellogg's new FiberPlus Antioxidants Cereals

A rose may be a rose but perhaps a calorie's not a calorie

Burger King - Stricter Nutritional Criteria than Health Check!

Not everything's caused by obesity: Brain and memory function edition

Saturday Stories

How to rock a karaoke bar!

Why the world needs Calories 101

Canada's only national food radio show? CBC's the Main Ingredient.

Chewable Lipitor candy for kids?

England - the stupidest country in the world (when it comes to obesity)?

Carl's Jr.'s bid to out-gross KFC's Double Down

Apple provides Apple apostles with friends

PepsiCo. tries to buy credibility by buying ScienceBlogs

Heart and Stroke Jump Rope for Pizza

Built environments impact on obesity through food, not fitness.

How do you know you're on a "good" diet?

I want a piece of Bubbie's strudel!

Honest ad executive calls for kids' advertising ban

Apparently now clumsiness causes childhood obesity.

A glimmer of hope for childhood obesity prevention!

Hitting the gym harder for a decade won't do a thing for your weight.

Best soccer goal ever!

I call "Bullshit" on Penn and Teller

Kids would rather eat rocks covered with stickers than a fresh banana.

Is your diet deficient in micronutrients?

Ferrero's worried you'll stop eating Nutella if you know what's in it.

The world's dumbest cat?

2010 American Dietary Guidelines vs. 2007 Canada's Food Guide

The two questions to ask before you indulge.

Badvertising: Nestlé's Boost "Nutritious Energy" (2.5x the nutritious energy of Coca Cola)

Adventures of a loudmouth (why I do what I do)

When BP spills a cup of coffee

Dairy prevents heart attacks?

Mmmm, chip flavoured edible paper frankenfood.

How schools can fundraise without junk food.

My Aquavee swim treadmill review!

What happens when an engineer owns a dog

Ontario's new push for mandatory menuboard calories

Will carrying around a fake lump of fat help you lose weight?

Is air pollution responsible for rising rates of diabetes?

Frankenfood: Meat vending machine edition

I enjoy British humour.

The most important questions you can ask yourself when you're down.

Weight loss plateaus be damned!

Can a camera replace your food diary?

Sorry Oprah, apparently only white women can work it off.

Google's new phone - free with ads

Badvertising: KD Smart thinks you're KD Stupid!

How many minutes a day should you exercise?

Canadian stimulus package funding gigantic ribfest?!

Why is the Running Room promoting chocolate milk?

Hockey night in the newborn unit

Canadian health authorities recommend we exercise less?!

Pepsi Refresh adapts Big Tobacco marketing playbook for the 21st century.

Rapid weight loss is the best way to keep it off?

Supermarket endorses Meatless Mondays - Beef Information Centre busts a spleen

Saturday Stories

Look at me, look at me, look at me!

Who matters more to newspapers - readers or advertisers?

Badvertising Bagel Bites

Badvertising: Lunchables Turkey & Cheddar Sub

Sign of the times - pharmacies provide free diabetic medications

Boys will be boys

Is Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi stupid, misinformed, deluded, ignorant or evil?

Boy Scouts should be prepared for a rise in sloth.

The weekend is 28.57% of the week

So about Danone's Activia and DanActive Health Claims...

The food-pocalypse is nigh.

A compliation of infomercials' best idiots

A gentle request for help

Coca Cola's latest deceit

Susan G. Komen for the Cure doesn't understand breast cancer.

The call to retire Ronald McDonald

Old Jews telling jokes talks sex and schmaltz

10 common fast food sandwiches way worse than KFC's Double Down.

Study reveals reason why sleep deprivation leads to weight gain

Toronto's Peel Region schools schedule lunch at what time now?

Frankenfood - Lollipop edition

The best of Old Jews Telling Jokes

Top 10 things to look for in a weight loss program

A black belt in weight management?

Frankenfood showdown: KFC's Double Down vs. McDonald's Mc10:35

Menu labeling law impact? Outback to launch sub-500 calorie entrees.

Oh fudge! Elementary school scarface.

Will subsidizing healthy food lead to buying more junk?

Tapeworms - the new diet craze?

Do you suffer from Good Life Syndrome?

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Review

Nothing beats a great baby laugh.

Weight ain't about exercise.

Can one person truly make a difference?

Calories and the new American health care bill

A review of David Kessler's The End of Overeating

A more literal version of cable news feeds.

(Podcast) Are you ordering a pound of heart attack at the deli?

There's no such thing as a "Superfruit"

Don't eat on a full brain

The worst dieting advice ever

My wife's trying to poison me!

Will booze make you skinny?

Do artificial sweeteners enhance fullness?

Convicts and soldiers to be force fed Omega 3s?

Saturday Stories

The Muppets' Beaker covers Dust in the Wind.

CBC Says Eggos aren't products while Kellogg's breaks committment not to product place!

(Podcast) You shouldn't need a PhD to go grocery shopping.

Sara Lee takes the cake on outlandish omega-3 claims

Kids' CBC blantantly shills for Kellogg's Eggo Waffles as part of a "healthy breakfast"

NASA readies their most ambitious mission to date!

Coca Cola's Amy Laski explains why Coke is great!

food with a lower-case "f"!

Food with a capital "F"!

Top 10 rules for writing a critical blog.

The alternate Google Superbowl Ad.

Health Canada wants to fortify junk food on a global scale

Come back around 10am.

My 1,000th Post!

Are TV commercials solely responsible for screen time weight?

Spain aiming to ban anorexia inducing ads

Finally! A real McDonald's/elite athlete commercial!

Bad news for Wii Fit curing childhood obesity.

Why Health Check's serving sizes are inexcusable.

A pea sized bite of salmon has 3x the DHA of Dairyland's Li'L Ones yogurt with DHA!

The Majesty of Farmville

Must see TV alert!

Should we be treating children for obesity?

10 potentially fatal, yet still approved by Health Canada "natural" weight loss products

Breaking News: Official Health Check endorsement of Pizza Hut!

Gerber Graduates wins the dubious 2010 Salt Lick Award!

The McHealth Check? The Heart and Stroke Foundation heads to McDonald's!

Lost starts next week - stay away from the watercooler!

Santa's OK! Over 70 and overweight possibly a good idea.

Can a 15 minute outpatient procedure cure diabetes and obesity?

Registered dietitian on how Food Guide "servings" are stupid.

2010 Weighty Matters Report on the Heart and Stroke Foundation

Come back at 10:00am

Conan sticks NBC with $1.5 million bill for 2 minute sketch

Dempster's bread and one of Health Check's main failings.

Health Canada continues its fatal dithering on trans-fat.

Butter better than margarine? New study says saturated fats not tied to heart disease.

PEI's Eastern School District discourages exercise?

Blind cricket

Declining physical fitness and obesity - Chicken, egg or herring?

Obesity, weight gain and pregnancy. Are the guidelines flawed?

Obesity the new #1 preventable cause of death - now what?

Will your city sell out to KFC?

Who'd have thought fishing could be funny?

Is bariatric surgery comparable to a knee replacement?

American Academy of Family Physicians peddles snake oil & multi-level marketing?

Proof the AAFP sold out to Coca Cola?

Canada's Natural Health Products Directorate fails Canadians