The Canadian Medical Association Ignores Jewish Physicians And Their Concerns
Not one of us who wrote to express our concerns about the CMA's amplification of a disproven blood libel received a response
Dear CMA Board and Staff,
One week ago I sent a letter to the Canadian Medical Association’s Board Chair Suzanne Strasberg, CEO Tim Smith, and VP of Comms Luce Lavoie resigning from the organization and expressing my concerns over the CMA’s amplification of a disproven blood libel and of the CMA’s president, Kathleen Ross, choosing to block me on Twitter when questioned on same (you can read the letter here 👇🏽)
And I was not the only person to write with concerns. I know of at least 6 other Jewish physicians who wrote to the CMA about its amplification of a Jewish blood libel.
Not one of us has received a word in response.
That an organization can have multiple members of a minority facing unmasked antisemitism at levels unseen in decades and to not even extend them the courtesy of a response let alone to have the CMA take action to correct a wrong that further fomented hatred against us? It’s difficult to imagine a reason to explain it beyond antisemitism - implicit, explicit, or systemic.
The Canadian Medical Association does not care about its Jewish members.
Again I am asking for an immediate refund of my membership fees.
Yoni Freedhoff